Church Partnerships

Investing Together in the Next Generation

Partnership Opportunities & Church Liaisons

There are many ways churches can partner with SSI to bring the benefits of our programs to the young people in their congregations.  Every church is in need of leaders in their youth ministry.  Because LEAD inspires young people to be on fire for Christ, students return with a drive to be leaders in their church and to live out their faith.

“My SSI experience was a way to really get me involved in something new, and taught me to be a leader, a follower of God, and to face my fears. It was a life changing experience that really woke me up to the Lord.”

Nevaeh W., Age 14

Partnership Opportunities

Brochures & Posters

Share LEAD with your congregation by organizing announcements, distributing brochures (consider using as a bulletin insert one week), putting up posters around your church, or showing a short promotional video.

Host a Speaker

Invite an SSI staff member to present LEAD to your leaders, parents, or congregation.  Whether you’re looking for someone to make a brief announcement or share a longer message, we’d be happy to send someone your way.  Learn more >>

Send a Group

Consider a “Missions Trip Alternative.” Organize a “LEADership Excursion” that will inspire and equip your young people to be leaders. An adult chaperone can accompany them and help them implement what they learn back home. Reach out to our office for tips on how to start.

Other Ways

Help raise awareness about this life-changing experience. Consider putting a LEAD banner on your website, sharing a link, a picture, or post on social media, placing a blurb in your bulletin, or presenting the camp to your youth group. Please contact our office for any graphics or digital support you may need.


Church Liaison Application

Serve as the connection between your church and our programs! A Church Liaison helps facilitate implementation of the activities described above so that our ministry can partner with your church. Fill out the form below and we will reach out to you to further discuss this great opportunity.

  • Providing your email permits SSI to send periodic updates unless you opt to unsubscribe. All personal information is used solely by Student Statesmanship Institute and our partner organizations, and will not be released, rented, sold, or otherwise distributed to anyone at any time for any reason.

What Others Have to Say:

We are a church that is always looking for ways to nurture and train up our children to become strong Christians who are able to impact their world for Christ. After seeing how SSI operates first hand, and the lasting impression it made on my kids and others in our church, I can say without a doubt I have not found a better resource ministry than SSI. You can count on our continuing support! “Well done good and faithful servant!”

Pastor John Russell

Downriver Christian Community Church

Like most teens, our son struggled with significance. He didn’t understand the impact that his actions and words had on others; and to be frank, he resented the suggestion that he should be responsible for leading anyone.

Despite his reluctance,  the Lord used the SSI program to AWAKEN our son. That week he was called to a higher standard, and genuinely WANTED to rise to the occasion.  He left a kid, and returned a young man! The following year, we saw him confidently lead his youth group worship team,  take responsibility for his chores without  complaint, vast improvement in his relationships with his siblings, and a thirst for history and current events.  We can’t thank God enough for what He’s done in our son and for the faithfulness of the SSI program in building up the next generation of leaders!

Vince and Jenny

LEAD Alumni Parents