Student Statesmanship Institute
Empowering Teens to change Their World
What WE Do
inspiring teens to find their ultimate identity in christ and their highest calling as his ambassador.
SSI offers unique hands-on Biblical worldview and leadership programs for high school students featuring legislative, media, business, campaign and judicial tracks. The real-world professional career simulations and dynamic faith-filled environment combine to develop character, instill purpose and equip young people with highly relevant life-skills. SSI is a fun and exciting learning experience that prepares teenagers for every aspect of their future.
SSI has developed programs for high school students to experience real-world leadership simulation training in law, public policy, legislative affairs, business and journalism grounded in Biblically based, traditional values. See below for program information.
SSI Programs
View our selection of faith-building, life-changing opportunities and experiences.
About Us
Learn about our mission, philosophy, and team members.
partner with us
We partner with churches, colleges and universities to equip a new generation of young leaders who will shine as Ambassadors for Christ in their generation.
“Every time I come, I find myself changed when I leave. God has used this ministry to help me discover my gifts and my talents and to teach me to be bold and confident with my faith in God.”
Lauren S., Alumna
“We dropped off a teen and brought home a young man! After we got home, our son kept us awake talking about the experience until midnight. It was especially moving to know each student was prayed for. He will be back next year! Thanks SSI for giving God glory!”
Wiebke, LEAD Parent
Real-World leadership experience for teens
equipping the next generation
4407 W St. Joe Hwy
Call Us
(517) 321-6233