Financial Aid
How Does Financial Aid Work?
SSI is a non-profit, faith-based, educational organization that depends upon the generosity of donors for all of our needs, including financial aid.
Who Should Apply for Financial Aid?
Financial Aid is intended for families who require monetary assistance to come to LEAD. Our goal is to ensure that any student can attend LEAD at least once a summer. We ask all financial aid applicants to pay as much of the full registration cost as possible. There are many ways that families can seek outside assistance for offsetting the cost of LEAD, including approaching their church or other civic organizations for scholarships.
If you are a student who wants to attend multiple weeks of camp and looking to offset your costs, financial aid is not necessarily for you. We encourage you to look to our LEAD Discounts page where we list different ways that students have raised money in order to attend LEAD.
Required Payments
We require a minimum payment of $100 per each first-time recipient or a minimum payment of $200 for each repeat recipient.
Notification of Financial Aid
We will inform you as soon as we can whether your financial aid request has been approved. After being notified, you will be asked to register for LEAD. Upon registering, you must pay the required $50 deposit.
Special Circumstances
Except in extreme circumstances, which should be communicated directly to our office in writing, even those requesting Financial Aid need to include at least a $50 deposit at the time of registration. If you feel you are unable to attend LEAD because of this, please contact us at (517) 321-6233 or by emailing We want to do all we can to work with you and your situation.
First-Year Student Scholarship
Students who have not attended LEAD before are eligible for the Youth Empowerment Scholarship (YES), a $100 scholarship to help students come to camp for the first time. SSI Onsite alumni are eligible to receive this scholarship. This is available to all first-time students regardless of whether you have applied for Financial Aid. For more information, please visit the LEAD Discounts page and select the “Y.E.S. Program” dropdown or reach out to our office (517-321-6233,
If you have any questions, please contact our office at (517)-321-6233 of by emailing