Summer Program
choose from three exciting, faith-building weeks:
LEAD – Empowering Teens to Change Their World
For over 30 years, the Student Statesmanship Institute has been empowering students with Godly purpose, equipping them with real-world leadership skills, and engaging them to change their world.
Summer is quickly approaching, and with it, the LEAD Summer Program, SSI’s week-long, hands-on Biblical worldview camp that helps to empower today’s teens in a corrupt society. At LEAD, students are challenged to step outside their comfort zones in life-like career simulations with hands-on leadership training, taught by dynamic professionals.
Throughout the week-long LEAD experience, students build key life skills such as teamwork, critical thinking, and communication through leadership simulations, preparing them to take on their world. In experiences involving real Michigan lawmakers, judges, journalists, lawyers, business executives, and professors, LEAD’s unique leadership program lets students debate legislation, argue a criminal case before a sitting judge, manage multi-million-dollar companies, report news from press conferences, and so much more. Through building their faith, professional skillset, and self-confidence, we hope to empower today’s young people to shatter the low expectations that society has for their generation.
We’re excited to continue the Youth Empowerment Scholarship, a scholarship opportunity for all first-time LEAD students that applies $100 towards their registration in a life-changing summer experience. Contact or click here for more information. Over seventy students have already been sponsored.
For over 30 years, the Student Statesmanship Institute has worked to develop the next generation of leaders. Alumni have pointed to LEAD as a catalyst for becoming involved in their communities, and helping them find what God has called them to do in their lives. SSI seeks to develop character, instill purpose, and equip young people as Ambassadors for Christ in their generation. While engaged in high-level leadership roles, students are inspired to apply Biblical and moral principles in a faith-filled environment, and empowered to use those principles in their lives, and the world around them.
Important Registration Info:
A $50 minimum deposit is required to reserve a space. All balances must be paid in full two weeks prior to the week attending.
You will need to complete separate forms for each child registering for camp.
LEAD Track Qualifications:
First-time students will be placed in the House Track.
Second-time LEAD students along with Onsite and LEAD Online alumni will be placed in the Senate Track.
Returning students who have completed the Senate Track or those who have completed 11th grade and the House Track (through LEAD or LEAD Online) are eligible for Advanced Tracks.
Students may request to participate in an Advanced Track if they are entering 11th grade and have already completed the House Track. To do so, first register for Senate and then contact our office (517-321-6233 or to request to be put on a waiting list to be moved to another track if space allows. One month before camp students on the waiting list will be moved to an Advanced Track if the track needs more students in order to keep team numbers even. After that point, remaining students on the waiting list may be moved to fill spaces created by last-minute cancellations.
Use our Track Finder to help you determine which tracks you are eligible for.