Summer Program
Track Information
What is LEAD?
LEAD is a life-transforming week featuring authentic leadership simulations in the legislative, film, journalism, judicial, engineering, campaign, and business fields all under the direction of Christian professionals. Teens learn valuable life skills such as teamwork, critical thinking, strategic planning, and effective communication. While being engaged in high-level leadership roles, they are also inspired to apply Biblical and moral principles in their own life and the world around them.
Our LEAD Summer Program offers experience in:
Click here if you need help determining which track you are eligible for.
Global Outreach
Thousands of young people have come to LEAD from throughout Michigan, across America and even Canada, Mexico, England and Israel to be a part of this unique leadership training experience.
A Chance You Won't Want to Miss
During this real-world experience young people learn valuable life skills such as teamwork, critical thinking, strategic planning, and effective communications. While being engaged in high-level leadership roles, they are also inspired to apply Biblical and moral principles in their own life and the world around them.
What Does LEAD stand for?
- LEARN – Learn to live out your faith in the real world.
- EMPOWER – Be empowered to fulfill God’s purpose.
- ACT – Act like a leader. Learn by doing!
- DISCOVER – Discover and unlock your God-given potential.
Both Legislative Experiences (House and Senate) include SSI’s foundational curriculum, taught by trained instructors. They cover topics such as Laying a Biblical Foundation, Ambassadors for Christ, Christian Citizenship, Worldviews in Action, Science and the Bible, and Debate and Communication.
Throughout the Legislative simulation students actively engage in:
- Critical and Strategic Thinking
- Teamwork
- Speech Writing
- Public Speaking
House Track
Become a state representative for a week! Students begin their LEAD experience by being challenged to think critically about current issues through role-playing as state lawmakers and discussing actual bills from the Michigan legislature. Students are assigned to work in caucuses to support and oppose assigned bills. They learn the process of how a bill becomes a law as well as the responsibilities of citizenship. The week culminates on the House Floor in the Michigan Capitol for final debate and cast their votes on the issues considered throughout the week. Each caucus utilizes the SSI Media team to bring attention to their sponsored bill by calling a Press Conference.
I enjoyed going to the Capitol for the committee meetings and the mock legislature because it was so much like the real-life process. I really enjoyed the daily devotions & worship, and learned how to be a productive Christian citizen.
Carissa D. – Alumni
Student legislators hear testimony from lobbyists during committee meetings in the Capitol Building, oftentimes chaired by real State Senators & Representatives. Students can ask tough questions of the lobbyists, and gain valuable information on their bill.
This is a great opportunity for our young people and leaders. This is a great process to help students become engaged citizens.
Mark Jansen – Michigan Senator
LEAD culminates when students assemble as a legislative body on the House Floor in the Michigan Capitol to debate and cast their votes on the issues considered throughout the week. Family members and friends are invited to watch it all from the gallery!
Senate Track
Students are challenged to think critically about how their bill affects the Michigan population as they work as a team to edit and refine both the bill that they support and oppose through amendments. Senators also create their own legislation through drafting legislative resolutions. The week finishes in a debate on the Senate floor!
“It was an incredible learning experience for me. It took everything that I had been taught about government for the past twelve years, and gave me a hands-on learning experience. I know that I learned more in my one week of SSI then I have through my entire school career.” Katie P. – Alumni
NEW! Robotics Track
Teams learn the fundamentals of engineering and design by building robots! Students are presented with the project’s problem and design constraints. Students will build, test, and update their robot with the goal of making the most efficient robot possible while still solving the given problem. Then, at the end of the week, each team will compete and be evaluated on performance, structural integrity, and documentation.
Media Track
Come be the eyes and ears of LEAD! Become a member of the LEAD News Network to create the daily print newspaper, The Leader, and multiple video broadcasts throughout the week. The students who sign up for the Journalism Track dedicate themselves to keeping the public informed about what is going on in the LEAD world. They cover everything including lectures, special speakers, caucus meetings, press conferences, trips to the Capitol, recreational activities, Committee Hearings, final presentations, and much more.
The level of creativity is inspiring, especially since most students start with little or no media experience. The students who sign up for the Media Track dedicate themselves to keeping the public informed about what is going on in the LEAD world. They cover everything including lectures, special speakers, caucus meetings, press conferences, trips to the Capitol, recreational activities, Committee Hearings, final presentations, and much more.
Media students focus on:
- Journalism and Reporting
- Writing and Research
- Videography and Photography
- Editing
- Media Ethics
The kids are just amazing, they seem to already have an idea of what they need to do. They just need a little bit of instruction to motivate them and get them to that next step.
Dan Armstrong, Corporate Communications Specialist for Covenant Eyes and former Anchor/Reporter
Acting as reporters, students conduct interviews with VIP’s like the Secretary of State or an actual Supreme Court Justice. They also create stories using video and audio. The Media Track is one of LEAD’s most dynamic learning environments.
My experience at the program went beyond my expectations. We met and talked with real politicians, reporters, and editors. I would never have that chance anywhere else! Thank you!
Lauren L. – Alumni
Like each LEAD track, experts coach the students. These include reporters, press secretaries, and communications specialists who volunteer their time and expertise. Media Track students experience both the print and broadcast sides of the journalism world through their LEAD experience.
Film Track
Lights, Camera, Film! Find out what happens on set, behind the camera, and in the director’s chair, all in one week! Students become members of a production crew as students work as a team to create multiple short films throughout the week. Students can try out different roles including lighting, editing, directing, and more.
Business and Advanced Business Track
Act as company executives in a competitive simulation! Teams go head-to-head as they become a business management team responsible for taking over and managing an existing company that generates 40 million dollars per year in revenue. Students learn basic business principles and make critical decisions in production, marketing, and finance. Business leaders and professionals present on the how we can be Biblical stewards of ideas, people, attitudes, and resources. At the end of the week, each team makes an investor presentation to the rest of camp in which they seek to raise capital for their companies.
Business students focus on the following:
- Business Strategy
- Entrepreneurialism
- Research and Development
- Finance
- Production
- Marketing and Presentation
- Biblical Stewardship
Advanced Business: Raise the stakes in this enhanced simulation as teams confront new challenges including human relations, supply chain management, and crisis events. Coached by business professors and professionals who present on topics including business ethics and persuasion principles, this advanced simulation takes Business to the next level!
The main function I think is it puts them in contact with other Christians who are engaged in making a difference in our society in the right ways and for the right reasons.
Professor Gary Britten – Spring Arbor University
Also like the real world, each team must make an investor presentation to the non-business students in which they seek to raise capital for their companies, In a unique and fun way, their peers get to invest highly valued “Muffett Bucks” into whichever companies look the most promising during the presentation.
Throughout the week, students also learn the principles of business from business leaders on the topic of Biblical stewardship. Presenters focus on the importance of ethics and their responsibility as leaders who are stewards of ideas, people, attitudes, and resources, thus providing them a well-rounded, hands-on education in our free market system and its moral application.
With my entrepreneurial spirit and strong competitive attitude, the Business Track was perfect for me. Actually, I’m thinking more seriously now about business as an area of study and career choice.
Justin W. – LEAD Student
Business students make an investor presentation toward the end of the week promoting the performance of their company. It is an intense, competitive environment and it immerses you in the action. It’s a blast!
Tim M. – Alumni
Mock Trial Track
Train as prosecution or defense attorneys in this exciting simulation of a civil trial from opening arguments to closing statements! Teams participate in mock criminal and civil trials before a jury of peers, who decide the verdict and real judges, who critique team strategy and individual presentation skills following each trial. Students study elements of our legal system through coaching by gifted attorneys and receive biblical worldview instruction focused on how we can strive for excellence.
Mock Trial students focus on the elements of a trial, including:
- Legal Strategy and Case Presentation
- Trial Procedure
- Pretrial Motion Hearing
- Rules of Evidence
- Opening Statements and Closing Arguments
- Direct and Cross Examination
- Witness Preparation
- Juries
- Courtroom Decorum
- Making motions
“The Mock Trial track was very intense. I gave it my best. I laughed, cried, and worked harder than I’ve ever worked in my life. This was the best week of my life”
Mandie S.LEAD Student
Moot Court Track
Learn constitutional law, ethics, and debate while preparing to argue a case before a panel of judges and exploring the appellate court system. Legal professors, attorneys, and judges provide the Moot Court students with critiques and instructions on their presentations in court and throughout the week. This intensive training challenges each student’s critical thinking and presentation skills.
It was a pleasure listening to and questioning the students participating in the SSI Moot Court Competition. Each of the four participants were able to properly articulate their positions, even when being faced with many questions from the bench. They performed as if they had already completed college, undergraduate school and law school.
Christopher M. Murray – Michigan Court of Appeals Judge
Moot Court students focus on the elements of arguing a case, including:
- Appellate Trial Overview
- Legal Analysis
- Fundamentals of Persuasive Argument
- Preparing an Oral Argument Outline
- Oral Advocacy Presentation
They got rid of a lot of preconceptions I’d had about law and taught us so much in so little time.
Rachel V. – LEAD Student
Campaign Track
The Campaign Track, offered week three, is political involvement like never experienced before!
Compete against other teams in a candidate’s gubernatorial primary election! During the week, students act as key members of a candidate’s campaign staff creating policy platforms, voter outreach strategies, and more. Teams work together to raise, manage, and allocate funds appropriately, understand campaign ethics, and convince the public through “door to door” campaigning. Students face off in a debate promoting their candidate in an effort to explaining their policies and win the vote of the public!
Campaign students learn the following:
- Campaign Strategy
- Platform Creation
- Managing Campaign Finances and Fundraising
- Campaign Ethics
- Political Advertising
- TV and Print Ad Creation
- Handling the Media
- Press Releases and Press Conferences
The Campaign Track combines attributes from each track, working on legislation like in the HOUSE, changing legislation like the SENATE, arguing with your opponent like MOCK TRIAL, getting asked questions like MOOT COURT, creating a campaign plan like BUSINESS and advertising and interacting with the public like MEDIA! I think this might be my favorite track of all…
Hanniyah C. – LEAD Student
“The Campaign track taught me how to handle particularly stressful situations head on”
Chelsea L. – LEAD Student
Are you ready to lead?
Learn | Empower | Act | Discover
Advanced tracks fill up fast–be sure to register now to reserve your spot! If you still need more info, feel free to contact us. You can also check out our LEAD Details page, where you will find details, policies, and guidelines, our Financial Aid page if you are concerned about the cost of LEAD, and our Mission & Philosophy page, where you can learn more about why we do what we do.
4407 W St. Joe Hwy
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(517) 321-6233