Greater Lansing Legislative Onsite
GLLO is a dynamic two-day, hands-on legislative experience for teens!
Be a State Rep. For a Day!
The Greater Lansing Legislative Onsite is a dynamic two-day, hands-on legislative experience for teens!
At GLLO, teens serve as state representatives as they debate real bills from the Michigan Legislature, hold committee meetings, and participate in debate and vote in the Michigan Capitol Building. They will analyze data, practice critical thinking, develop team approaches, improve their communication skills and have fun doing it!
The program also has engaging worldview and ethics teaching exploring our government and what it means to be an Ambassador for Christ.
GLLO will be held Thursday and Friday, November 7-8 at the Capitol Building in Lansing, MI.
Anyone 13-19 years old can attend!
Registration costs $50 per student. Registration is now open through Thursday, October 31st!
Why attend GLLO?
We encourage students to attend GLLO and LEAD if they can!
Here are differences between the two:
LEAD is a week-long Summer Program offering much more in terms of spiritual emphasis and leadership development. There is more of a sense of realism in LEAD, as various tracks have the privilege of meeting in the Capitol Building and other professional facilities.
OnSites are held during the school year and are only held for two to three days rather than a week. There are no overnight accommodations and only one track (the House) is offered. Otherwise, Onsite is a condensed version of LEAD held for schools and homeschool groups across Michigan.
There are many parents who send their student to LEAD after attending the Onsite. This gives the student a better opportunity to benefit from the full program and gives them an idea of what to expect. However, if you can’t commit to a whole week, the Onsite would be a good second choice.
What summer program track can Onsite alumni do?
If a student is attending the LEAD Summer Program for the first time, but has participated in GLLO, he or she could participate in the Senate or Robotics track instead of House.
Age Requirements
Any teenager (13-19) is eligible to attend provided that they are 13 by Wednesday, November 6th. Deciding which age is most appropriate to send your student is up to the parent, considering the maturity level, whether the student can engage him/herself, and whether he/she will benefit from the program.
Dress Code
Each Onsite can be different depending on the dress code of the host school/group. However, at a minimum, students should wear neat, modest clothing for the general sessions, and business attire during the committee meetings and final Session.
While a sport coat or suit is not required, the guys should at least wear dress slacks, with a dress shirt and tie. Girls should wear a dress, or a skirt or dress slacks with a nice top. We just want them to be dressed for the occasion.
How can a parent participate
Yes! Parents are welcome to attend any of the sessions. It is especially important for family and friends to come and support the students during the final Legislative Session, which is the last event of the program.
4407 W St. Joe Hwy
Call Us
(517) 321-6233