Love that Satisfies our Souls
Valentine’s Day has become a unique cultural anomaly—one that is indicative of a society that at once idolizes and devalues real love. From social media to Hollywood to Hallmark, love is portrayed in seemingly endless configurations that promise to satisfy and yet, often prove hollow. Don’t get me wrong. Human love shared between friends, family, or spouses can be beautiful and meaningful, but it will never satisfy the longing for the more perfect, all-consuming love that we were created for.
The good news is that the perfect love of the One who created us, the One who created love itself, constantly surrounds us. You see, God Himself IS love (1 John 4:8) in all of His omnipresent splendor, and the amazing promise of His Word is that if we seek Him, we WILL find Him when we seek Him with all our hearts (Jeremiah 29:13). But that’s not the best part!
The best part is the treasure we find in seeking Him: Reunion with our good, good Father whose love for us is beyond measure.
It’s nothing short of amazing! First John 4:7-11 tells just how much He loves us, how He reveals His love for us through His Son whom He sacrificed to redeem us when we were completely unworthy. It tells how He sees us when we accept that sacrifice—not just ransomed from the chains of sin, but reborn as true children of God!
Knowing this—knowing the price that was paid for us, knowing to Whom we belong, knowing that we are so very precious, cherished, and beloved by the Father, and truly knowing the Father Himself—changes everything.
“How deeply intimate and far-reaching is His love! How enduring and inclusive it is! Endless love beyond measurement that transcends our understanding—this extravagant love pours into you until you are filled to overflowing with the fullness of God!” – Ephesians 3:18b-19 (The Passion Translation)
The Father’s love roots us and grounds us. It gives us strength, and as it overflows in us, it gives us purpose. This incomparable love is meant to flow through us into the lives of all those around us. This Valentine’s Day and every day, may we rejoice in the only love that truly satisfies our souls.
Katie Schmidt is the Director of Communications at SSI. She is fascinated by how biblical presuppositions inform history, philosophy, and critical advocacy and enjoys engaging with her community and church, learning news things, and dabbling in creative pursuits.
Disclaimer: The views presented in this blog are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the position of the Student Statesmanship Institute. SSI is a non-profit educational organization and provides this blog as a platform for those who have been involved in our program to engage and share thoughts related to current events, issues of the day, and personal experiences, but does not necessarily endorse the content therein.