Committee Meeting Resources
Thank you for volunteering for the SSI Onsite Program!
Below you will find bill and position statements for each committee.
If you are a Lobbyist, please review the bill and analysis you are assigned to support or oppose. Follow this link for additional instructions for your role.
If you are a Chair, please review both bills for the committee that you are assigned. Follow this link for additional instructions on your role.
If you are unsure of your assignment, find your Onsite information along the side and follow the “VIP assignments” link.
Bill Resources
Locate your bill and analysis below. Many bills have additional resources or even sample testimonies. Lobbyists can feel free to use all, part, or none of the sample testimony in their presentation.
Adams Committee
HB 5019 Body Cameras - Sponsored by Adams Blue
SUPPORTING POSITION: You want to require Michigan law enforcement officers to wear and use a body camera when on duty, in uniform, and carrying a taser or weapon to provide for greater accountability and safety for both public and within law enforcement.
OPPOSING POSITION: You do NOT want to require Michigan law enforcement officers to wear and use a body camera when on duty and carrying a taser or weapon, due to concerns of privacy and the dangers of a blanket policy for all local law enforcement agencies.
Bill and Analysis – HB 5019 Body Cameras
Additional Resources – Use these resources to help craft your presentation
HB 5751 Safe Haven Devices - Sponsored by Adams Green
SUPPORTING POSITION: You want TO ALLOW Newborn Safety Devices (NSDs) to be installed and used at emergency service provider locations in order to ensure the safety of newborns who are being legally abandoned by parents who are unwilling to engage in face-to-face interaction while legally abandoning their child.
OPPOSING POSITION: You OPPOSE this bill. It does not address who will be held liable happens to a baby placed in an NSD as well as requiring standards for NSD to be outlined by the Michigan department of Health after the bill passes, rather than including those standards in the bill itself. This means that no one will know what those standards are until after this bill is signed into law.
Bill and Analysis – HB 5751 Safe Haven Device
Additional Resources – Use these resources to help craft your presentation
Jefferson Committee
HB 4006 Cell Phones in Emergencies - Sponsored by Jefferson Blue
SUPPORTING POSITION: Wireless providers should be REQUIRED BY LAW TO PROVIDE the location information on a wireless device to a law enforcement officer in emergency conditions.
OPPOSING POSITION: Wireless providers should have the FREEDOM TO DECIDE whether to release location information on a cell phone to a law enforcement officer in an emergency.
Bill and Analysis – HB 4006 Cell Phones in Emergencies
Additional Resources – Use these resources to help craft your presentation
HB 4162 Prohibit Bullying - Sponsored by Jefferson Blue
SUPPORTING POSITION: You want schools to be REQUIRED TO CREATE A POLICY formally prohibiting bullying with procedures and punishments.
OPPOSING POSITION: You want schools to have the FREEDOM TO DECIDE procedure and policy for bullying on a case by case basis.
Bill and Analysis – HB 4162 Prohibit Bullying
Additional Resources – Use these resources to help craft your presentation
Madison Committee
HB 6183 Lower the Voting Age - Sponsored by Madison Blue
SUPPORTING POSITION: Lower the voting age to 16.
OPPOSING POSITION: Keep the voting age at 18
Bill and Analysis – HB 6183 Lower Voting Age
Additional Resources – Use these resources to help craft your presentation
HB 4071 Abuse of a Vulnerable Child - Sponsored by Madison Green
SUPPORTING POSITION: You want to create a legal definition for vulnerable children (i.e., a child with disabilities) and INCREASE PENALTIES for abusing a vulnerable child.
Bill and Analysis – HB 4071 Abuse of a Vulnerable Child
Additional Resources – Use these resources to help craft your presentation
- Support and Opposition – Bill Summary
- Explanatory Article
- Supporting Arguments – Testimony
- Supporting Arguments – Testimony 2
Monroe Committee
HB 4129 Medically Frail Parole - Sponsored by Monroe Blue
SUPPORTING POSITION: You want to ALLOW PAROLE for certain criminals who meet certain medical requirements.
OPPOSING POSITION: You want to MAINTAIN CURRENT PENALTIES AND PROCEDURES for criminals, even if they have certain medical issues.
Bill and Analysis – HB 4129 Medically Frail Parole
Additional Resources – Use these resources to help craft your presentation
- Supporting Arguments – Testimony
- Supporting Arguments – Explanation and Testimony
- Opposing Arguments – Testimony
- Opposing Arguments – Testimony 2
- Support and Opposition – Bill Summary
HJR H Death Penalty - Sponsored by Monroe Green
*Note: While in real life, passing this resolution would bring the issue to the Michigan people to vote on, for LEAD, the students will be framing the debate as though passing this resolution would reinstate the death penalty.
OPPOSING POSITION: You want the death penalty to REMAIN UNCONSTITUTIONAL in Michigan.
*Note: While in real life, passing this resolution would bring the issue to the Michigan people to vote on, for LEAD, the students will be framing the debate as though passing this resolution would reinstate the death penalty.
Bill and Analysis – HJR H Death Penalty
Additional Resources – Use these resources to help craft your presentation
Quincy Committee
SB 162 - Emergency Responder Job Protection Act - Sponsored by Quincy Blue
SUPPORTING POSITION: You want to allow volunteer emergency responders to fulfill their obligations to the public without having to suffer adverse employment consequences.
OPPOSING POSITION: You want employers to take a person’s obligations into account during hiring without fear of a potential lawsuit.
Bill and Analysis – SB 162 Emergency Responder Job Protection
Additional Resources – Use these resources to help craft your presentation
HB 5286 - Prohibit Local Knife Restrictions - Sponsored by Quincy Green
SUPPORTING POSITION: You want regulation on knives to be consistent across the state by restricting local ordinances regarding knives.
OPPOSING POSITION: You want local municipalities to be allowed to govern restrictions on knives based on the needs of that township, county, etc.
Bill and Analysis – HB 5286 Prohibit Local Knife Restrictions
Additional Resources – Use these resources to help craft your presentation.
Please note that there are two versions of this bill: HB 5286 (2019) which was not passed in committee, and HB 4066 (2021) which passed both the House and Senate, but was vetoed by the Governor. The content of each bill is identical, and articles about both bills may be used to craft your arguments. Please refer to the bill as HB 5286, as this is the version we are using in the simulation. The bill is to be considered on first reading, so we ask that you not reference the bill’s real world progress in the legislature (i.e. it being vetoed by the Governor).
Washington Committee
SB 991 Right to Try- Sponsored by Washington Blue
Bill and Analysis – SB 991 Right to Try
Additional Resources – Use these resources to help craft your presentation
SB 98 Wrongful Imprisonment Compensation- Sponsored by Washington Green
SUPPORTING POSITION: Individuals who have spent time in prison for a crime they did not commit SHOULD BE AUTOMATICALLY COMPENSATED.
OPPOSING POSITION: THE STATUS QUO SHOULD BE PRESERVED allowing wrongfully imprisoned individuals to sue state for compensation.
Bill and Analysis – SB 98 Wrongful Imprisonment Compensation
Additional Resources – Use these resources to help craft your presentation
- Supporting Arguments – Testimony
- Supporting Arguments – Testimony 2
- Supporting Arguments – Article
- Supporting Arguments – Statistics
- Opposing Arguments – Testimony
- Opposing Arguments – Testimony 2
Event Information
NorthPointe Christian School – Thursday, January 16, 2025
VIP Assignments (Click here)
11:45am – VIP Orientation
12:00pm – Introduction to Students
12:05pm – Committee Meetings Start
1:35pm – Committee Meetings end
1:35-1:45pm – Optional Reception with the students
Magnify Church
6727 Kuttshill Dr. NE, Rockford, MI 49341
Contact Us
Thank you so much for your help!
If you need help, please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns.
Grace Anne Rosbury
Director of Programs