Fulfilling Our Destiny
With the end of 2017 fast approaching, I want to offer some reflections on the past year, and then ask you to consider a generous Year-End gift to support the incredible mission of SSI.
First, let me say that it has been an amazing year of accomplishment and growth! I am excited that our Summer, Onsite, and Ambassador League programs in Michigan continue to bear much fruit and impact the lives of hundreds of students each year. We are blessed with an incredible staff that does amazing work! In addition, we gained national exposure through my recent interview with Dr. James Dobson and also signed an agreement to expand the SSI LEAD Summer Program to Iowa—our third state! With all of the negativity in the world today, I continue to be excited about our investment of time, talent, and treasure in the hearts and minds of young people! And it is very exciting to realize that leaders from throughout the nation are seeing the value in this unique ministry.
As the President of SSI, one of my main responsibilities is to raise the needed funds to support our programs. I often think back to the early days when God called me to this ministry. I had no clue about organizational management or fundraising. Much to my surprise—and great joy—people responded to the vision with amazing generosity that was often over and above all that I could ask or think. And yes, during some of those very lean years I wondered if we would even survive. Over and over again, however, God showed Himself faithful to inspire people to make investments in the next generation. The result? We are still here and growing!
I recently wrote a letter to all of our friends and supporters outlining the exciting things that are happening and asking for Year-End contributions. In the midst of this incredibly fruitful season, I want to let you know that we’re facing a significant financial need to make ends meet. If you are able to help in this critical time, your generous financial support before the end of the year would be an incredible blessing and a great vote of confidence.
I am mindful that everything we are doing is only made possible because of generous friends who share our vision—like you! Together we are inspiring and equipping a new generation of courageous Christians for a corrupt culture!
Yours for the next generation,
James Muffett
James Muffett is the Founder and President of the Student Statesmanship Institute. Married to Margot since 1979 and a father of 5, his motivational speaking inspires and trains leaders for this and the next generation. James’ bucket list includes a visit to an SSI alum in the oval office.
Disclaimer: The views presented in this blog are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the position of the Student Statesmanship Institute. SSI is a non-profit educational organization and provides this blog as a platform for those who have been involved in our program to engage and share thoughts related to current events, issues of the day, and personal experiences, but does not necessarily endorse the content therein.