Aimee Chauvin I have been here at SSI as staff for over four years, and I am still thankful to work here. I have been saying this from the beginning, but it is still true. Around the three-year mark, I was waiting for the shoe to drop. SSI tends to be a launching...
Having been around SSI LEAD for 9 years (2 as a student, 4 as a volunteer, and 3 as staff), it’s always fascinating to see how someone else does it. Last year (2017) I was able to meet Nate Oppman of the THE FAMiLY LEADER (TFL) in Iowa who would be heading up LEAD out...
Week 2 Review: Aimee’s Thoughts Wow. That’s the biggest thing I have to say about Week 2. Wow. What a week. I don’t think I have ever been so NOT tired the day after camp. I’m sure I’ll still be taking a midday nap, but I woke up...
Week 1 Review: Aimee’s Thoughts Our first week of SSI LEAD just ended and we’re already all hands on deck preparing for Week 2. Here’s a brief overview of last week and the types of things I saw as the Director of Programs. WARNING: LEAD can be one big...